Use The Spiritual Legal Realm For Spiritual Work (contracts, courtroom, negotiations & more)

from £50.00

Hello there, i am going to try to describe this service as simply as i can but please do understand that these services are way more momentous than how I am portraying them. This is done so that it can be universally understood. 

There are so many different ways to deal with legal/illegal issues and contracts in the spirit realm and I happen to specialise in some of these ways. I grew up seeing a lot of people being spiritually bound by spiritual contracts they know of or dont know of, but have to live through the outcome of these contracts. Some get comfortable in it and just ride with it, while some don't because they know it is not part of their blueprint and want to break out . This is where someone with my gift comes in . All these services I offer are also tailored to each individuals needs and not it is not universal. It is not a one size fits all . Even though I know that could work for some people, that is just how God has chosen that I operate and it has given the best results so far to the people who are meant to align with me. You see sometimes we can pray fire from the mountain for hours and hours , become weary and see no results . This is because we need to handle the situation legally . There may be issues with contracts and we may need to Make new contracts, or find loopholes or more. But if it is not dealt with legally, it will keep reoccurring in your life. 

These are the services I offer below for now and their doings so that you can choose what you feel is best for you. If you are not sure what would work best for your situation, you can book a consultation with me to speak about your situation and we can conjure up the best plan that will yield the best results for you. 

1) Operating in the Courtroom of Heaven (simple/limited/small pack)-:  With this package I navigate legal issues for you in the court room only as a magistrate winger . I know this means different things in different court systems on earth. I mean it in the way that I am aware of the issue and understand it , I am aware of spiritual issues and understand them, I am reliable and committed to serving you and the community . I understand how to follow evidence , communicate effectively to both parties, think logically , weigh up the arguments and reach a fair decision for you . I do this with the holyspirit being my legal adviser and advising my stance of where to stand/ take that is best for you. I am not appealing your case, I am not necessarily fighting a case for you specifically, I am just making sure I am working with spirit to bring out the best results for you in your life or the area of your life you pick. I help in management of the proceedings. You can also call me a "court staff for the day" in lame mans term. I don't push for a specific result (outcome) but rather the court gives me the most balanced result that works for all parties involved, at the end of it all . You can choose this service is you dont want to fight something super specific. You just want a turn around in your life in general or in a specific area ( eg turn around in my love life) . It is not as intense as the large package but these are for the folks who still want to try in the spiritual legal system and see what results come out of it. 

2) Operating in the Courtroom of Heaven as your magistrate, court staff and defence counsel.( Intense/unlimited/large pack) -:  Now there are different levels, stations and ways to operate in the courtrooms of heavens. (do know that the earthly courtroom is mimicked by the heavenly one. That is where the idea of it comes from. Thinking this way can help you understand it a bit better even though it is low key different cause it is in the spiritual of course) . Now I would have people say to me "sandy but can't I do it myself?" of course you can! the easiest way to start is by going to the throne room of mercy and grace. But of course we all have different functions in this life, in general and there are somethings we just cant do by ourselves.  Concerning legal issues in the spirit realm, Some people are granted more access to things, strengths functions and much more depending on their jurisdiction. So If you feel like the desired results you want , you dont have access to that jurisdiction/space (e.g youth court, criminal court , family court , country etc) , but I do, then it would be best to work with me. Not everyone would know how to settle generational issues back and forth in the court room, (sometimes you may even know, but due to emotions may not be able to do it on your own. I have encountered such. That is why sometimes a doctor would prefer another doctor treat a loved one because well, they are to emotional too and somethings dont need emotions in it or it gets ruined) , legally separate themselves from contracts they have knowingly or unknowingly entered with other kingdoms, people , places etc or appeal a case in the right way.. Sometimes they dont know or they cant function in these aspects! 

Yes I know the bible tells us it is the accuser we face alot of the time and really he is the cause of alot of this so he starts these stuff ; but there are sometimes that we actually face family members , friends, other entities, ourselves, or just standing alone in the court room! So it is not as simple! This differs depending on the situation and desired result of the individual and why they have called for the court session at that moment. This is what I help you with in this service. Not only to I have the spiritual prophetic eye to see into the courtroom and walk through and feel everything going on ,  I also get your procedural points and actions ( so basically what this is that I tell you what procedures would be best followed for your matter , to get the desired results and also if need be I can raise an argument or issue concerning the procedure if there is one. ) . This is what I start with and this will determine what I am going to be in your case, whether a court staff, your magistrate or defence counsel or all together. This work can take between a week to a month . I have noticed when I do these tensed ones, we always would have to have back to back court sessions . So it is the tough cookie. I will not give off too much on here because it would be a sore to read, and well I don't want to give off my tricks but if you are interested and you pick this package, a free consultation will be held between you and I to draw up the best plan that would work for you . I will tell you exactly what I am going to do for you , what you will do on your part and the desired results we will have. You will get access to my personal number as well and we will discuss on a weekly what is going on, I check in and we talk about things . Also you can reach me / message me whenever. I also relay to you if there are any messages from the heavens for you . We will do this for a month max. People I work with on this tensed level tend to see results within a month . Like an onion peel layers and layers come off and the weight of it all is lifted and seen. So if you feel this intense package is for you. go ahead and book . 

3) Ancestral Renegotiations Plus (large pack)-: I go back to your lineage and break off / renegotiate or negotiate some old and/or new contracts , bring some to null or bind up or loose some. It really depends but it is all at the end of the day meant to favour you . I also then check up on you every week via email for month to see your progress and watch for changes and if there is anything else that the heavens wants to say to you and I do this for a whole month. This is what the plus package comes with. 

4) Ancestral Negations/Renegotiations (small pack)-: I go back to your lineage and break off / renegotiate or negotiate some old and/ or new contracts , bring some to null or bind up or loose some. It really depends but it is all at the end of the day meant to favour you . I will tell you my plan after consultation. With the small pack, you dont have access to me again . I do this once and that is it unlike the plus package where I check up on you, give you any messages from the heavens and watch spiritual for changes etc for a whole month. 

5) Scanning you for any legal blocks-: I will scan your life for any legal blocks and tell you all about it. 

6) Scanning you for legal blocks and advice on how to handle them-: I will scan your life for any spiritual legal blocks , tell you about them and tell you the solution to deal with it. 

7) Consultation -: This is for those who dont know what to choose or do , but feel like they need legal help in the spirit realm , but dont know what sort of legal help. We will have a deep dive into your life along side the holyspirit and see what you need or even if you need any legal actions to be taken at all. This consultation includes me briefly scanning for any legal blocks as well, in addition to hearing your side/story and also with what you want. I would advise this prior to choosing a package, especially if you do not know 100% what you need because you would be able to precisely get what will 100% work for you . Instead of you playing a guessing game and the results may be minimal because that is not what you need.

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Hello there, i am going to try to describe this service as simply as i can but please do understand that these services are way more momentous than how I am portraying them. This is done so that it can be universally understood. 

There are so many different ways to deal with legal/illegal issues and contracts in the spirit realm and I happen to specialise in some of these ways. I grew up seeing a lot of people being spiritually bound by spiritual contracts they know of or dont know of, but have to live through the outcome of these contracts. Some get comfortable in it and just ride with it, while some don't because they know it is not part of their blueprint and want to break out . This is where someone with my gift comes in . All these services I offer are also tailored to each individuals needs and not it is not universal. It is not a one size fits all . Even though I know that could work for some people, that is just how God has chosen that I operate and it has given the best results so far to the people who are meant to align with me. You see sometimes we can pray fire from the mountain for hours and hours , become weary and see no results . This is because we need to handle the situation legally . There may be issues with contracts and we may need to Make new contracts, or find loopholes or more. But if it is not dealt with legally, it will keep reoccurring in your life. 

These are the services I offer below for now and their doings so that you can choose what you feel is best for you. If you are not sure what would work best for your situation, you can book a consultation with me to speak about your situation and we can conjure up the best plan that will yield the best results for you. 

1) Operating in the Courtroom of Heaven (simple/limited/small pack)-:  With this package I navigate legal issues for you in the court room only as a magistrate winger . I know this means different things in different court systems on earth. I mean it in the way that I am aware of the issue and understand it , I am aware of spiritual issues and understand them, I am reliable and committed to serving you and the community . I understand how to follow evidence , communicate effectively to both parties, think logically , weigh up the arguments and reach a fair decision for you . I do this with the holyspirit being my legal adviser and advising my stance of where to stand/ take that is best for you. I am not appealing your case, I am not necessarily fighting a case for you specifically, I am just making sure I am working with spirit to bring out the best results for you in your life or the area of your life you pick. I help in management of the proceedings. You can also call me a "court staff for the day" in lame mans term. I don't push for a specific result (outcome) but rather the court gives me the most balanced result that works for all parties involved, at the end of it all . You can choose this service is you dont want to fight something super specific. You just want a turn around in your life in general or in a specific area ( eg turn around in my love life) . It is not as intense as the large package but these are for the folks who still want to try in the spiritual legal system and see what results come out of it. 

2) Operating in the Courtroom of Heaven as your magistrate, court staff and defence counsel.( Intense/unlimited/large pack) -:  Now there are different levels, stations and ways to operate in the courtrooms of heavens. (do know that the earthly courtroom is mimicked by the heavenly one. That is where the idea of it comes from. Thinking this way can help you understand it a bit better even though it is low key different cause it is in the spiritual of course) . Now I would have people say to me "sandy but can't I do it myself?" of course you can! the easiest way to start is by going to the throne room of mercy and grace. But of course we all have different functions in this life, in general and there are somethings we just cant do by ourselves.  Concerning legal issues in the spirit realm, Some people are granted more access to things, strengths functions and much more depending on their jurisdiction. So If you feel like the desired results you want , you dont have access to that jurisdiction/space (e.g youth court, criminal court , family court , country etc) , but I do, then it would be best to work with me. Not everyone would know how to settle generational issues back and forth in the court room, (sometimes you may even know, but due to emotions may not be able to do it on your own. I have encountered such. That is why sometimes a doctor would prefer another doctor treat a loved one because well, they are to emotional too and somethings dont need emotions in it or it gets ruined) , legally separate themselves from contracts they have knowingly or unknowingly entered with other kingdoms, people , places etc or appeal a case in the right way.. Sometimes they dont know or they cant function in these aspects! 

Yes I know the bible tells us it is the accuser we face alot of the time and really he is the cause of alot of this so he starts these stuff ; but there are sometimes that we actually face family members , friends, other entities, ourselves, or just standing alone in the court room! So it is not as simple! This differs depending on the situation and desired result of the individual and why they have called for the court session at that moment. This is what I help you with in this service. Not only to I have the spiritual prophetic eye to see into the courtroom and walk through and feel everything going on ,  I also get your procedural points and actions ( so basically what this is that I tell you what procedures would be best followed for your matter , to get the desired results and also if need be I can raise an argument or issue concerning the procedure if there is one. ) . This is what I start with and this will determine what I am going to be in your case, whether a court staff, your magistrate or defence counsel or all together. This work can take between a week to a month . I have noticed when I do these tensed ones, we always would have to have back to back court sessions . So it is the tough cookie. I will not give off too much on here because it would be a sore to read, and well I don't want to give off my tricks but if you are interested and you pick this package, a free consultation will be held between you and I to draw up the best plan that would work for you . I will tell you exactly what I am going to do for you , what you will do on your part and the desired results we will have. You will get access to my personal number as well and we will discuss on a weekly what is going on, I check in and we talk about things . Also you can reach me / message me whenever. I also relay to you if there are any messages from the heavens for you . We will do this for a month max. People I work with on this tensed level tend to see results within a month . Like an onion peel layers and layers come off and the weight of it all is lifted and seen. So if you feel this intense package is for you. go ahead and book . 

3) Ancestral Renegotiations Plus (large pack)-: I go back to your lineage and break off / renegotiate or negotiate some old and/or new contracts , bring some to null or bind up or loose some. It really depends but it is all at the end of the day meant to favour you . I also then check up on you every week via email for month to see your progress and watch for changes and if there is anything else that the heavens wants to say to you and I do this for a whole month. This is what the plus package comes with. 

4) Ancestral Negations/Renegotiations (small pack)-: I go back to your lineage and break off / renegotiate or negotiate some old and/ or new contracts , bring some to null or bind up or loose some. It really depends but it is all at the end of the day meant to favour you . I will tell you my plan after consultation. With the small pack, you dont have access to me again . I do this once and that is it unlike the plus package where I check up on you, give you any messages from the heavens and watch spiritual for changes etc for a whole month. 

5) Scanning you for any legal blocks-: I will scan your life for any legal blocks and tell you all about it. 

6) Scanning you for legal blocks and advice on how to handle them-: I will scan your life for any spiritual legal blocks , tell you about them and tell you the solution to deal with it. 

7) Consultation -: This is for those who dont know what to choose or do , but feel like they need legal help in the spirit realm , but dont know what sort of legal help. We will have a deep dive into your life along side the holyspirit and see what you need or even if you need any legal actions to be taken at all. This consultation includes me briefly scanning for any legal blocks as well, in addition to hearing your side/story and also with what you want. I would advise this prior to choosing a package, especially if you do not know 100% what you need because you would be able to precisely get what will 100% work for you . Instead of you playing a guessing game and the results may be minimal because that is not what you need.

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What I want:

Hello there, i am going to try to describe this service as simply as i can but please do understand that these services are way more momentous than how I am portraying them. This is done so that it can be universally understood. 

There are so many different ways to deal with legal/illegal issues and contracts in the spirit realm and I happen to specialise in some of these ways. I grew up seeing a lot of people being spiritually bound by spiritual contracts they know of or dont know of, but have to live through the outcome of these contracts. Some get comfortable in it and just ride with it, while some don't because they know it is not part of their blueprint and want to break out . This is where someone with my gift comes in . All these services I offer are also tailored to each individuals needs and not it is not universal. It is not a one size fits all . Even though I know that could work for some people, that is just how God has chosen that I operate and it has given the best results so far to the people who are meant to align with me. You see sometimes we can pray fire from the mountain for hours and hours , become weary and see no results . This is because we need to handle the situation legally . There may be issues with contracts and we may need to Make new contracts, or find loopholes or more. But if it is not dealt with legally, it will keep reoccurring in your life. 

These are the services I offer below for now and their doings so that you can choose what you feel is best for you. If you are not sure what would work best for your situation, you can book a consultation with me to speak about your situation and we can conjure up the best plan that will yield the best results for you. 

1) Operating in the Courtroom of Heaven (simple/limited/small pack)-:  With this package I navigate legal issues for you in the court room only as a magistrate winger . I know this means different things in different court systems on earth. I mean it in the way that I am aware of the issue and understand it , I am aware of spiritual issues and understand them, I am reliable and committed to serving you and the community . I understand how to follow evidence , communicate effectively to both parties, think logically , weigh up the arguments and reach a fair decision for you . I do this with the holyspirit being my legal adviser and advising my stance of where to stand/ take that is best for you. I am not appealing your case, I am not necessarily fighting a case for you specifically, I am just making sure I am working with spirit to bring out the best results for you in your life or the area of your life you pick. I help in management of the proceedings. You can also call me a "court staff for the day" in lame mans term. I don't push for a specific result (outcome) but rather the court gives me the most balanced result that works for all parties involved, at the end of it all . You can choose this service is you dont want to fight something super specific. You just want a turn around in your life in general or in a specific area ( eg turn around in my love life) . It is not as intense as the large package but these are for the folks who still want to try in the spiritual legal system and see what results come out of it. 

2) Operating in the Courtroom of Heaven as your magistrate, court staff and defence counsel.( Intense/unlimited/large pack) -:  Now there are different levels, stations and ways to operate in the courtrooms of heavens. (do know that the earthly courtroom is mimicked by the heavenly one. That is where the idea of it comes from. Thinking this way can help you understand it a bit better even though it is low key different cause it is in the spiritual of course) . Now I would have people say to me "sandy but can't I do it myself?" of course you can! the easiest way to start is by going to the throne room of mercy and grace. But of course we all have different functions in this life, in general and there are somethings we just cant do by ourselves.  Concerning legal issues in the spirit realm, Some people are granted more access to things, strengths functions and much more depending on their jurisdiction. So If you feel like the desired results you want , you dont have access to that jurisdiction/space (e.g youth court, criminal court , family court , country etc) , but I do, then it would be best to work with me. Not everyone would know how to settle generational issues back and forth in the court room, (sometimes you may even know, but due to emotions may not be able to do it on your own. I have encountered such. That is why sometimes a doctor would prefer another doctor treat a loved one because well, they are to emotional too and somethings dont need emotions in it or it gets ruined) , legally separate themselves from contracts they have knowingly or unknowingly entered with other kingdoms, people , places etc or appeal a case in the right way.. Sometimes they dont know or they cant function in these aspects! 

Yes I know the bible tells us it is the accuser we face alot of the time and really he is the cause of alot of this so he starts these stuff ; but there are sometimes that we actually face family members , friends, other entities, ourselves, or just standing alone in the court room! So it is not as simple! This differs depending on the situation and desired result of the individual and why they have called for the court session at that moment. This is what I help you with in this service. Not only to I have the spiritual prophetic eye to see into the courtroom and walk through and feel everything going on ,  I also get your procedural points and actions ( so basically what this is that I tell you what procedures would be best followed for your matter , to get the desired results and also if need be I can raise an argument or issue concerning the procedure if there is one. ) . This is what I start with and this will determine what I am going to be in your case, whether a court staff, your magistrate or defence counsel or all together. This work can take between a week to a month . I have noticed when I do these tensed ones, we always would have to have back to back court sessions . So it is the tough cookie. I will not give off too much on here because it would be a sore to read, and well I don't want to give off my tricks but if you are interested and you pick this package, a free consultation will be held between you and I to draw up the best plan that would work for you . I will tell you exactly what I am going to do for you , what you will do on your part and the desired results we will have. You will get access to my personal number as well and we will discuss on a weekly what is going on, I check in and we talk about things . Also you can reach me / message me whenever. I also relay to you if there are any messages from the heavens for you . We will do this for a month max. People I work with on this tensed level tend to see results within a month . Like an onion peel layers and layers come off and the weight of it all is lifted and seen. So if you feel this intense package is for you. go ahead and book . 

3) Ancestral Renegotiations Plus (large pack)-: I go back to your lineage and break off / renegotiate or negotiate some old and/or new contracts , bring some to null or bind up or loose some. It really depends but it is all at the end of the day meant to favour you . I also then check up on you every week via email for month to see your progress and watch for changes and if there is anything else that the heavens wants to say to you and I do this for a whole month. This is what the plus package comes with. 

4) Ancestral Negations/Renegotiations (small pack)-: I go back to your lineage and break off / renegotiate or negotiate some old and/ or new contracts , bring some to null or bind up or loose some. It really depends but it is all at the end of the day meant to favour you . I will tell you my plan after consultation. With the small pack, you dont have access to me again . I do this once and that is it unlike the plus package where I check up on you, give you any messages from the heavens and watch spiritual for changes etc for a whole month. 

5) Scanning you for any legal blocks-: I will scan your life for any legal blocks and tell you all about it. 

6) Scanning you for legal blocks and advice on how to handle them-: I will scan your life for any spiritual legal blocks , tell you about them and tell you the solution to deal with it. 

7) Consultation -: This is for those who dont know what to choose or do , but feel like they need legal help in the spirit realm , but dont know what sort of legal help. We will have a deep dive into your life along side the holyspirit and see what you need or even if you need any legal actions to be taken at all. This consultation includes me briefly scanning for any legal blocks as well, in addition to hearing your side/story and also with what you want. I would advise this prior to choosing a package, especially if you do not know 100% what you need because you would be able to precisely get what will 100% work for you . Instead of you playing a guessing game and the results may be minimal because that is not what you need.